Had to go on a business trip and actually was too lazy to post, probably lost my readership. Today I want to discuss some of the crew. They all have low testosterone levels UNTIL a hood is raised and then they become
"The Studs of Motorcraft"

We all know them, a lot of tools, nothing to work on and BAM a hood goes up, their libido goes up and the smell of testosterone is in the air. At the far right is Bill Horne (pronounced Horny) and owner of J&B Streetrods. In the middle is Keith the Woodman aka. Paul Bunyon and on the left is Jay the Polish Man. These are just some of the staff that contributed to the building of the car. Wait now I'm not sure Jay did that much, but he always took the largest chair so it was never stolen, but work I can't remember any. Oh wait a minute he did polish HIS wheels to try and look busy. 

One other character is Jim: His sandwiches are so heavy he needs the transmission lift just to get them at should level. From Brooklyn so what can you expect. A good man and gets a lot done unfortunately not on the Willys.

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