The car came with "Factory Air" but it only worked with the vent open and driving at 50 mph. Therefore a Vintage Air system was selected and the old factory air closed by "stitching" in some metal and let the bodyman work it over. Also the antenna hole was plugged. All of the work was done at J&B Streetrods. In the picture above you can see that the brake booster was mounted on the firewall. The decision was made to install it on the frame and make the firewall as smooth as possible. I was thinking about the cost of this project and it is good news; if I had left the money in the stock market I would have lost 50% of it therefore I have only spent 50% of what I thought I had spent.
PS I am looking through the Stimulus Package and hope to find something for this project and I think I have found it: 1 billion dollars for Old Former Army Retired Trying Somehow to build a car (Old FARTS)
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