In life you make mistakes and I think the time it takes to admit it is the true measure of what type of bargain you purchased. I ain't admitting nuttin! Well I finally found a body shop and decided to see if they could straighten out the "small" problem to get the windshield to fit and not leak. The shop was located in the same strip mall as J&B Streetrods and I thought that would be handy. So off we go to the body shop and after removal of the windshield and a disc grinder, the "Bondo" dust looked like a dust storm from the 1930's dustbowl, we saw a little bodywork would be needed. As you can see it was a little rough and he said yep I can fix but it will be difficult to match the paint. So I said well lets get it ready for paint while you are at it. This was the 1st Professional Body man I met. Can you see how easily it is to open your wallet to anything you? Please enroll me in the Street Rod Hobbyist section of the Stimulus Package.
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